Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Owl Droppings BeatTape

Little birdies & Owls, this is a tale about a man, a man in 12x12 room, with spirits and artifacts. The spirits were liquor, and the artifacts were the old Dell (windows 2000) modem and hardware.

It was his dream , he was there in his own production studio. Flat broke, in the dark, bass in motion non stop. People would walk by like "when does this guy leave ". He was living there , in his dark world of choice. Pissing and food were gate ways of an escape. What was this project that needed such attention, well Da Vinci carried Mona around for 4 years. So surely two to three months of another reality would be justice to the troubled soul of a man . Maybe the fact that he had neglected many obvious responsibilities would deter his plea. Yet, in still the Owl attempts to spread his shattered wings.

Ka, that word means balance, in Khemetic (Egyptian) tongue. That word came in the form of a nicely molded brown toned goddess with natty hair and a piercing in her nose. Surely mama bird wouldn't approve, but in the darkness of Owl's realm, sight was a least used sense. All the hurt that sent him on this voyage began to bend into love. Ka being born a crab did not feel that such a bird, that could fly, would need her gravity. Not knowing with out her energy he couldn't stay grounded. Ka soon left that lonely fowl to his own bidding. Why? She was not prey, although he loved the taste of her shea butter drenched flesh.

Owl grew deeper into gloom. Days went with out numbers, meals were not eaten, beats weren't sold. When a nurse showed up one night, bearing gifts, her bosom and musical notes she enchanted him with. They dance together all that long night.

Now jigsawed into a heart filled being, a light was above him. Soon his small space was upgraded, he now had a recording booth and a window. Things were taking a turn for the upper end of the limb. Many came to visit Owl in this hour. Thus feeding him countless amounts of harmonious energy. Meaning, production was at its height.
Clients pleased, money in hand. But most of all ... a PRODUCT. This doesn't end here ... it continues on and on. So here is the preview to Owl Dropping Beat Tape.
... Enjoy

Altoon C

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